Consider This
If you you’re really going to start on the “ground” floor, it means finding property first. Have you heard of “location, location, location”? What school district is it in? View? Privacy? In the country or in town? Police and fire protectioin? City or well water? Cable or satelite communications? On or off the power grid? Sewer or septic system? Neighboring property vacant or built out? What will your surroundings look like in 20 years? What plans are in the works by the city/county/state for the area you are looking in?
If you already have the property, have you considered the following? Views? Privacy? Access? Orientation relative to sun and weather? Complimenting the best features of the property? Easements? Any prior uses of property? Zoning? Location of utilities? Soil type? Set-backs?
We can help you with the answers to these and many other questions, plus organize it so that it all makes sense to you.
Now, The Fun Part
We will help you with the building design and working drawings, putting it all down on paper to scale. We’ll start with you imagining yourself coming in the front door of your new home, and asking you what rooms do you want to access directly and indirectly from there? How do you want people traffic to flow? What rooms need to definitely be next to each other? Do the kitchen counter tops need to be hidden from people sitting in the dining room?
The whole family can get involved with each member giving their own preferences. We will talk “contractor talk” where and when it’s necessary and/or plain English too. We will make this part exciting and positive, while keeping a close eye on the budget, then build to your satisfaction.
Roofing is one our areas of expertise, and this project was a challenge. Those are custom ceramic cones on top.